Most of the maps and schemes presented here are in Russian. Translation is too time-consuming undertaking.
Map indexes may change as a result of updates. They are provided in brackets on this page. An index is formed from 5-6
characters as: LLYYNN, where LL- Characters defining the territory, YY-Year, NN-Current map number
NOTE: When the number of German tanks are given, this number must be verified, since very often their amount is overestimated.
I collect maps and battle schemes not only from books, but from numerious sites from the net. I put them on my site, because lots of English-speaking people can't find those images on Russian-language sites. Besides all that kind of information often is very much dispersed and I pay much efforts collecting it from the net. I'm trying to give exact links to every resource from which I take this or that image.
For convenience all my map database is divided into sections and subsections presented below. Sorry
for the bad quality of some maps. It's not my fault.