OT-26 (KhT-26)

(Flame Thrower Tank)

Updated February 25, 2007

OT-26 (KhT-26) OT-26 (KhT-26) flame thrower tank [1]
OT-26 (KhT-26) flamethrower tank OT-26 (KhT-26) flamethrower tank OT-26 (KhT-26) flamethrower tank OT-26 (KhT-26) flame thrower tank [3]
OT-26 of the 4th Mechanised Brigade/Byelorussian Military District. 1936 [5] NEW
KhT-26 (OT-26) flamethrower tank KhT-26 (OT-26) flame thrower tank [2]

OT-26 belonging to the 210th Separate Chemical Tank Battalion. Karelian Isthmus. January-February 1940

The vehicle is painted white; one can see tactical number 3/2 painted green on the turret. The numerator showed the company number and the denominator - the platoon number. [6] NEW

KhT-26 from the 210th Separate Chemical Tank Battalion. Karelian isthmus, January 1940 [6] NEW

KhT-26 from the 210th Separate Chemical Tank Battalion KhT-26 from the 210th Separate Chemical Tank Battalion. Karelian isthmus, January 1940. Note the tactical number 3/2 on turret [4]
OT-26 (KhT-26, BKhM-3) mod. 1934 [5] NEW
Evacuation of the tanks which had been hit by the antitank mines using S-60 tractor. T-26 is painted white and KhT-26 isn't. Karelian Isthmus. December 1940 [4] NEW

  1. Legkiy tank T-26, Bronekollektsia, spetsialnyi vypusk No. 2
  2. Shmelev, "Istoriya Tanka 1916/96", Moscow, Tekhnika-Molodezhi, 1996
  3. A.G. Soliankin, M.V. Pavlov, I.V. Pavlov, I.G. Zheltov, "Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. XX vek", Vol. 1, "Otechestvennye bronirovannye mashiny. 1905-1941", Moscow, Exprint, 2002
  4. M. Kolomiets. "Tanki v Zimnei Voine 1939-40", Moscow, Frontovaya Illyustratsia, 3/2001
  5. M. Kolomiets, M. Svirin, "T-26. Mashiny na ego baze", Moscow, Frontovaya Illustratsiya/Frontline Illustration, 4/2003
  6. BTV No. 2, "Krasnaya Armiya 1920-1941, kamufliazhnye skhemy, opoznavatel'nyje znaki BTT", Moscow, 2004
