The Structure and Equipment of the 1st Guards Naval Railroad Artillery Brigade (1944)

Updated June 13, 2003

    Railroad guns were used only in Navy formations. Almost all railroad guns were concentrated in the Baltic Fleet. In 1942 all railroad artillery of Leningrad Front was united into the 101st Naval Railroad Artillery Brigade. On January, 1944 it was renamed into the 1st Guards Naval Railroad Artillery Brigade. The latter operated against German siege artillery. In 1945 a few batteries were employed in Berlin operation.

Equipment (data on 1944)
Battalion Battery 305mm 180mm 152mm 130mm
402 11 3 - - -
19 - 4 - -
1110 - 3 - -
403 1104 - - - 3
1105 - - - 3
1106 - - - 3
404 1107 - - - 3
1108 - - - 3
1109 - - - 3
405 1112 - - - 3
1113 - - - 3
1114 - - - 3
406 1116 - - - 3
1117 - - - 3
1118 - - - 3
407 1119 - - 3 -
1120 - - 3 -
1121 - - 3 -
1122 - - 3 -
Separate 12 - 4 - -
18 - 4 - -
292 - 4 - -
294 3 - - -
Total 6 19 12 36

  1. A.Ivanov "Artillerija SSSR v period vtoroy mirovoy vojny" SPb, "Neva", 2003
